Life Development Program in the red lights slums

HOPE Center

While surveying the red light areas, we felt the need to reach out to the Victims of Human Trafficking and their innocent children, who are been constantly bombarded with all the evil influence, sexual immorality and prostitution around them 24 x 7. This immoral environment badly impacts the little children, putting their future in danger.
Hope Centre is a life development program for the Victims of Human Trafficking and their children, focusing to bring educational and moral awareness and providing nutrition with love. We teach and feed the children with a proper nutritious meal daily, believing that through these acts of compassion, we can reach out to the children, the Victims of Human Trafficking and the neighbouring slum areas. We have trained teachers & volunteers who are conducting these educational & feeding programmes.

Current Status:

  • Hope Centre is functioning in Navi Mumbai-based Turbhe Red Light slum since 15th October 2007, everyday serving to 125+ children and women… HOPE Centre premises needs rebuilding.